Holes in a Cubic Closest-Packed Structure

What type of holes exist in a cubic closest-packed (ccp) structure? How many holes of each type are there?

There are many trigonal holes, but these holes are rarely occupied in ionic solids.

The display below shows a unit cell for a cubic closest-packed structure. The atoms making up the ccp structure are shown in a light blue color. The largest atoms that fit into tetrahedral holes are shown in red, and the largest atoms that fit into octahedral holes are shown in dark blue.

The controls for the display allow various combinations of atoms to be displayed in order to illustrate the positions of the various holes in the ccp structure. Carefully examine the structure from various perspectives for different display settings and answer the following questions.

  1. How many lattice atoms (light blue) are contained in the unit cell?
  2. How many tetrahedral holes exist in the unit cell?
  3. If all tetrahedral holes are occupied by atoms (red), how many such atoms are contained in the unit cell?
  4. Suppose all tetrahedral holes are occupied by atoms (red). What is the coordination number for a lattice atom (light blue) that is surrounded by atoms in tetrahedral holes? Do the atoms in tetrahedral holes always surround a lattice atom?
  5. How many octahedral holes exist in the unit cell?
  6. If all octahedral holes are occupied by atoms (blue), how many such atoms are contained in the unit cell?
  7. Suppose all octahedral holes are occupied by atoms (blue). What is the coordination number for a lattice atom (light blue) that is surrounded by atoms in octahedral holes? Do the atoms in octahedral holes always surround a lattice atom?
  8. How many cubic holes exist in the unit cell?

Unit Cell  

Atoms in Unit Cell  

Show Atoms in Unit Cell

Hide Atoms in Unit Cell

All Atoms  

Atoms in Tetrahedral Holes  

Atom in Tetrahedral Hole and Surrounding Atoms

Atoms in Octahedral Holes  

Atom in Octahedral Hole and Surrounding Atoms

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Holes in the Cubic Closest-Packed Structure                 Holes in the Hexagonal Closest-Packed Structure

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© Copyright 2001, David N. Blauch